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How to Get Back Your Money after Posting Bail for a Friend

How to Get Back Your Money after Posting Bail for a Friend

Most people want to be a good friend. It means you are the friend that is called when someone is in jail. Unfortunately, you may not always have the money to pay for the bail. In these cases, you have to bondsman weld county co. Read on to find out how to get back your money after posting the bail for a friend.

Understand the Responsibility

If you agree to get a bail bondsman for a friend, then you should understand the responsibility of this agreement. You are entering into a contract with the bondsman and the surety company. If you sign the contract, then you are responsible for paying back the money. You also may have to put up collateral to secure the bond. Examples of collateral include a house deed, a vehicle deed or timeshare property. It means you can lose the collateral and be responsible for paying back the loan. You must understand what you can lose when making this type of decision.

How to Get Back Your Money after Posting Bail for a Friend
How to Get Back Your Money after Posting Bail for a Friend

Refuse to Pay

Some people will say anything when in a bad situation. This type of person forgets who helped him or her when in a better situation. It is the worse news to find out that your friend does not want to pay you for the bond. If you already repaid the bail bondsman, then your friend bail cannot be revoked.

Take your Friend to Civil Court

It helps to give your friend the opportunity to repay the loan. However, if your friend is saying the money is not a loan, then you must take the case to civil court. A civil judge can hear both sides and make a decision on the case. You will have to prove that your friend agreed to pay you back for the bail money. An example of evidence is text messages showing that your friend agree to repay the loan. However, you do not need legal representation for civil court.

You should always want to give back and help others. However, it is important to not allow others to take advantage of your kindness.

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